99. Unmask Your Sovereignty with Carol Mae Whittick

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What is Sovereignty?

This is more than the newest spiritual buzzword, although is being used frequently.

It is imperative at this time that we find and adopt our own personal sovereignty.

This is something so few of us can call upon or would even recognise.

How can we tell?

Look at the divisions and confusion in the world today.

Look at how many people are willfully, without question, agreeing to conditions and mandates that are at best confusing and in the extreme more harmful than the situations they are supposed to prevent. 

The definition of Sovereignty is 'a supreme power or authority'. A 'self-governing state'. If we apply state to our own personal state of being are we exercising personal sovereignty. 

Or have we outsourced it to external states, eg. governments, people who are paid to entertain and divert you and the media to feed us whatever information they choose for us to shape our reality.

So how do you discover it?


100. Quantum Awakening with Sharoon Noorani


98. Unity in Race and Love with Nyahsa and Reuben, The Ascension Seed