About me

I am proof that life will present the circumstances you need and, however challenging, you can overcome them and use that wisdom to create your future. 

My father died suddenly when I was 4 years old and in hindsight, it is clear how that one event created a ripple of challenges. 

As a result of my mother’s diagnosis of illness my brother and I were frequently placed in foster care. Unfortunately, these situations are not always the safe haven they are meant to be and I was exposed to emotional and sexual abuse. We also experienced financial struggles throughout this time. 

I found solace in using my creativity to express myself through music, writing, art and sewing. The only constant was my inner world my trust and reliance upon it grew.  This was a divine connection supporting and guiding me. I trusted my intuitive nudges for ideas and to make decisions about my life. My dream to pursue music kept me focused and saved me from falling into despair.

As I grew older and was on my journey of spiritual discovery and awakening, I recognised the inexplicable link between creativity and spirituality. Inspiration is a conversation with spirit and bringing those unique ideas into form is evidence of your ability and purpose this develops confidence.  The flow state you enter during creation is pure meditation. 

As I take stock of the events in my life and do the work to heal, I recognise the gifts in each of those challenges. They were fuelling me with the wisdom to help others and I now guide women to BLOOM Into Midlife using Creativity and Spiritual Life Coaching while continuing to answer the call of my intuition and creativity. 

I am so grateful that I followed my inspiration in 2017 and launched a podcast.
It has opened up so much within me and allowed me to speak with people from all over the world.
Higher Energetic Resonance has deeper significance today than I could have ever imagined.
Read about The Birth of H.E.R.

Higher Energetic Resonance (HER) Podcasts

There are now over 220 episodes of HER Conversations podcast and it is ranked in the top 5% of podcasts worldwide!
It is a platform for thought-provoking interviews with leading experts in the fields of spirituality, personal growth, wellness and creativity providing inspired perspectives for The Awakening of humanity.

Launched in 2021, HER Inspirations podcast has over 100 episodes.
This is home to my solo sharings where each week I explore a topic/perspective to inspire Midlife women.  

I  include my favourite quotes and talk about my ggexperiences.


I have been privileged to be invited to be a part of events, summits
and retreats online and offline in the U.K. and internationally.

Some of the topics I cover include:

Entering midlife with confidence and excitement
Using your experiences to thrive in your new era

How spirituality can help your ‘real’ life
Misconceptions about spirituality  

Reconnecting with your creativity 
Creativity as a spiritual practice

Would you like me to guest on your podcast, speak or facilitate a workshop at your event?
Contact me info@carolmaewhittick.com

Guest Interviews

 Click on image play the episode or listen on Spotify

Published articles

I have recently written pieces for Luxurious Magazine, Kent Business Magazine, and Mums The Boss Blog, I am currently completing my book Creating HER and you can read my CMW Blog.

If you would like me to write for you please contact me on info@carolmaewhittick.com with details about your project.