211. Inspiring Our Youth with Rebecca Block


My guest this week is Researcher, & Consultant, Rebecca Block, she has spent two decades working in the service of young people – as an academic tutor, as a professor, and as an executive in organisations focused on youth success. Rebecca has also co-authored the book ‘Can You Help Me Give A…’ and co-hosted podcast of the same name. A podcast for and by parents, educators, and anyone who cares about young people from their pre-teens to their early twenties. 
During our conversation, Rebecca shares her thoughts about how outdated systems and cultural norms get in the way of many young people living with purpose. Also the way her Buddhist practice has allowed her to see through a spiritual lens, how habits of mind block us from awakening at multiple levels—psychologically, relationally, and spiritually.



212. Understanding Pain with Courtney Moore


210. Rewriting Your Story with Saloni Surah