200. Humanity Awakening with Yogi Aikam Ji


My guest this weeks episode is Yogi Aikam Ji. He has a background as a Research Scientist with a Masters of Science (M.SC) in Entomology, and moved from his successful business career  to follow the Universal calling to guide fellow human beings who wish to walk the path of truth. 

He is a representation of the perfect  combination of Science and Spirituality who totally lives his life mantra: Life is to ‘live‘ and not ‘spend‘!  Be 100% in the present moment!

During our conversation we share how we met… many years ago before this podcast was even launched and he shares his thoughts on what it is to be a spiritual person in the world in 2024, shares a simple practice we can use to in these chaotic times and talks about his hopes for humanity’s future. 


Www.yogiaikam.com  (under construction, will be live soon)

Social media -FB/aikam aikoham nath ji

Instagram- yogi aikam aikoham nath ji

Tiktok- @yogiaikamji


201. Mindful Creativity with April Davila


199. Selective Hearing with Julie Dammar