You Raise Me Up

Once the decision has been made to release something it is out and gone. 

This means the work has to speak for itself all that has been done or not is sealed in the piece and the time has come to move forward to the next item in the list. 

From my point it is a relief and also a lesson to free a work from the production stages.

As enjoyable as it is there comes a point when a frantic possessive and often fearful energy starts to intrude. 

Feverishly dotting the i's and crossing the t's. 

Although I want the world to discover what I do at a set time I have to understand that everybody has their own time and schedules and what I contribute will find them. If and when they are good and ready. 

This week I received a lovely email from a friend who had only just seen the video for Attraction. 

There were two reasons why this was especially important. 

Firstly, I had made this friend at what I can honestly say was one of the lowest points in my life. Yet during this time I was writing, recording and still dreaming that things would get better. Life was no picnic for her either. 

Secondly, on the day the email was sent I was frustrated about where I am at currently and looking for options of how to get on without creating more havoc which I seem do be doing effortlessly right now. 

It just reminded me that when all looks a catastrophe to focus on the grains of imagination that always peak through. 

Listen to the strains of intuition that continues to cheer and challenge you. 

If it is from the heart it can only ever, eventually win. 


Love Yourself! 


Thanks for reading! 

Please share. ;) 


Attraction - The Proof


Songs & Sorries