The number of entrepreneurs is increasing as more people lose faith in the perceived security of a job for life and also place more importance on spending their days doing fulfilling work. Even though there are more stories of 'shoe string start up to million dollar buyouts' the road to success is challenging. 

Business is creativity. It is the ultimate expression of the founders vision, intention and integrity. Every aspect of their personality will be amplified through their products/services, branding and employees. 

Entrepreneurs need to be aware of the landscape of their industry and their competitors/peers but their focus should always be on their goals and any moves they make must always be for progress instead of strategic manoeuvres to hamper another. 

There is enough for everyone.  

A common term that has been adopted by entrepreneurs is 'hustle'. There is valour in the constant grind required to inch closer towards victory. While it is true that 'the dream cannot work unless you do' it is the nature of the energy brought to the task that will see it prevail.  

Hustle conjures a sense of frantic energy, pushing out to the marketplace and creating disruption. 

A more ease filled approach is to divert that same amount of energy into the work with no other intention than to be the best it can be for itself. This attracts curiosity and there is nothing more powerful in business than to have an organic buzz build around who you are and what you do.  

Do your best. Let go.  

Love Yourself! 

Thanks for reading.  
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