Size Doesn't Matter

CMW Carol Mae Whittick empty seats.jpeg

I will hazard guess and say that most performers dream of the day when they will play a venue packed to capacity.

A day when people are chomping at the bit, eagerly anticipating the announcement of their next tour. 

This scenario takes time.  

Years and years of work to even be in with a chance of achieving. 

In the meantime you serve your time and pay your dues, another way of saying you pour your heart and soul out to uninterested audiences and hone your craft in order to be ready on the day where it all takes off and people declare you an overnight success. 

Continually maintaining focus and enthusiasm in the face of another room more focused on their conversation than the lyrical content of your compositions is a challenge and a perpetual test of resilience. 

Playing well despite the disappointment and the sting of the plethora of gig no shows becomes a default stance.

What needs to be remembered are the people who are present.

They need and deserve to be entertained.

Here is an opportunity to connect on an intimate level to make this performance in some way memorable so that when your tour sells out in seconds there will be an exclude handful of people who can boast about knowing you way back when. 


Love Yourself!


Thanks for reading. 

Please share. ;) 


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