We all have goals and aspirations. There are tasks that are necessary for everyday life. 

It is too easy to become caught in the busy-ness of what we are doing or the anxious anticipation of that which lies ahead and must be completed.  

How much time do you allow yourself to just be? When was the last time you paused to appreciate what you have achieved in your life so far and how much you have grown? 

Do you realise that even though you may not feel worthy there are people watching you with awe and appreciation? 

For some reason, the voices of the naysayers and negatives ring louder in our ears and in our weaker moments we are pulled deeper into doubt.  

Remind yourself that every time that happened you pulled yourself up, out and onwards. You may slow down sometimes but you have never stopped and the warrior within you never will. 

You are an inspiration! 

Love Yourself! 

Thanks for reading.  
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Failure Is An Option


Good Vibrations