Meeting Nina The First

In every relationship be it romantic, platonic or other (if there is such) there is a moment when each party recognises their compadre or nemesis.  

Rarely is it signalled by grandiose events but rather it is cemented by a moment or uttering that to most would pass unnoticed.   

From then on no external force has the power to influence either person. A bond has been forged and often to the outside world there seems to be no reason why such a pairing should thrive. 

However, the soul always recognises its like and knows that the narrow conditions and low expectations we have allowed ourselves to exist under and be judged by/for is to put it bluntly, bollocks! 

It was because of a general musing on my part about cat hairballs that Nina The First realised that she was seated next to no ordinary mind. 

We met in a 'day job' situation. Surrounded by disparate and desperate characters surviving was only possible with humour. The blacker and darker it was the better. 

You did not have to be mad to work there but you would be engulfed in insanity relatively quickly. 

Ice broken, we soon discovered a shared passion and understanding of music with equal grit and determination to Do Something In Life. 

We only worked at That Place for a matter of months in 2006 but since then have worked together and supported each other in our musical endeavours. 

These include

- Being introduced to aspiring artists by dubious Svengali figures and offering our songs. Equal to creating a tasty meal and giving it to someone who claims to be hungry but allows it to go cold. Or possibly fails to recognise the nutritious offering at all. 

- Writing, producing and a song and video for the Swedish Eurovision entry in 2010. A fun and stressful experience that taught us the necessity of marketing and working with reliables. 

- Writing a top line to a dance track in my car. The location was not intentional but we had been so busy during the day with the Eurovision track that we almost forgot we had to do this. The result is Disco Years  

- Nina setting up Walk The Path Records 

- Running a blog. Sadly folks this gem is no longer available but I know that it taught me a lot about online publishing and the CMW Blog would not be what it is without it. 

There have been many more events that have each brought with them frustrations and learnings. 

Somehow we have managed to stay focused on moving forward despite to quote Nina, 'being dumbfounded by the dumb found'. 

I have not at any point experienced any envy or pettiness as a result of is both having common goals. 

Sadly that is not true of many female musicians I have met along the way. For some reason often there seems to arise an edge of competing and bitchiness. 

Yet none of the unmentioned have displayed even a fraction of Nina's ability or vision. 


Next week we enter into the studio together again to mix and master Attraction: Reloaded. 

This is Nina's reworking of Attraction.  

There is a template of predictable turns taken by a remixer which is expected and accepted. 

Reloaded offers none of those and for that I am thankful but in honesty unsurprised. 

The Geniess of Nina The First is about to be unleashed. 

Thanks Lady. 


Love Yourself! 


Thank you for reading. 

Please share. ;)