Reason For This Season

The video for Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas is up and the song is available streaming and download on Soundcloud. In a week it will be available iTunes and Spotify as well as other major distributors online. 

Now what next?

For the next three weeks leading up to Christmas it will be about pushing the song and gaining new supporters who like my rendition of a song they know. 

My thinking is that is a little easier than trying to get people to know me based on my original material alone. 

I will also be using some social media advertising to expand the reach beyond people who know me and see what kind of response that brings in. 

This will also be useful for me to gauge what sort of budget I should realistically expect to spend once it comes to promoting my own work again. 

Also going forward into the New Year I am going to be adding something new to my online offerings. I have thought about it for too long and held back simply because I was not fully sure about what and how to really shape it to give it my stamp. I am still none the wiser and it clearly must be that the only way I can refine my idea is start wherever I am. 

For someone like me who like things to be just so from the offset this is a scary jump but experience has taught me that these nerve jangling thoughts are the ones that when followed through create the most gains and growth, even just personally.

I am all about that. 

If you have not already please watch and share Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. 

I have an urge to jump the gun on myself and do sooner what I am waiting to do. 

A year from now I will wonder what the fuss was all about. 


Love Yourself!


Thanks for reading. 

Please share. ;)