Carol Mae Whittick

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Good Things WILL Come

I had an idea - for a quite a while - but I was nervous about executing it. 

So I thought about it for a while and then looked at others in a similar genre. My conclusion, I had to do it. Even discussing it with a few people they seemed to like the idea and understood the benefit of it. 

I set a date and got to work. 

My new idea? Transfer half of the CMW Blog to video series called Music & Musings.  

I was ready, if a little nerv-cited. 

The date for launch 2nd of Jan came and went. I had not managed to get all the work I had to complete prior to the start of this phase completed during the Christmas break. Family events etc. 

No problem. Once I returned home the lost time was made up and although working to a much tighter schedule I could do the 9th.

Or so I thought. 

Being the multi creator that I am as well as filming and editing I was creating the music for the series. 

The song is one I wrote many years ago but had never recorded but it popped into my head recently when I was out walking and doing some film tests with my iPhone. 

The song is called Nobody Knows and is about stepping out and doing your thing. Seems apt. 

It was all going so well. Bear in mind I am still a rookie user of LogicX although that is a feeble excuse because everybody knows how to Save. Right? 

In my flimsy defence I was trying to restore a hasty delete and thought that by not saving it would show up once I reopened the project. 

What I had not bargained on was the fact that I had neglected to save anything during that 5 or so hour session!

The blood drained from my body when I reopened the project and saw the same screen I had started with that day.  

My 2015 way of dealing with the issue was to make light of it on social media. 

I tried to go back and record the vocals and piano and re-find the settings I had worked so hard to attain but nothing good was coming. 

This is not a song to be played or sung through while upset it needs a different energy. 

Long story short. I need another week. The day I had set aside for filming and editing was filled with re recording and it still is no where near where the other version was heading. 

Lesson learned. 

Please bear with. Music & Musings is coming soon although not as soon as I had hoped. 


Love Yourself!


Thanks for reading. 

Please share ;)