Digital Download

My output for creating is increasing at an exponential rate. 

Now I have my own mini studio set up I can unload my brain of ideas.

What I was unaware of was that holding unexpressed song ideas in my mind was stopping the flow of the new. 

This is not to say that I do not believe in the minds unlimited capacity but somehow l was not exploiting it. 

With my very basic productions I am able to outlay moods, motifs and melodies.

This is super exciting for me because I can now have conversations with other creatives and they can get an audible gist of what I want. 

I can also call up references via Spotify and YouTube.  

The luxury of this is never lost on me. 

Last week I was able to talk through my new ideas and use video references where my work fell short. 

On one particular song I wanted to highlight a movement I wanted the rythmn track to incite. 

This is always something I am aiming for in my music - to get a physical and emotional response. 

Beats, chord progressions and production techniques can all masterfully lead the listener in a certain direction. 

I have also been asked to consider writing music for movement and film so now this skill is especially important. 

Exciting times..


Love Yourself! 


Thanks for reading. 

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