Attraction - Action

On 24th September 2013 one of my long held dreams came true. 

I was finally shooting a video for Attraction

I was prepared for a long day and  for things to go wrong but I was still anxious about my performance. 

Watching an artist hold back or looking uncertain on screen makes for uncomfortable viewing. 

This was my going to become part of my digital calling card to gain support from collaborators as well as increase the CMW fan base.

I needed to find that 'something' and mine it for all it was worth. 

I had been listening to the song constantly after I has received the final mix from my Producer Christian Fontana and had the track mastered by Tobi Lustigman because I needed to relearn the improvised piano part so that I could perform to playback and most essential to needed to find a grove to move to. 

If you had seen me on the streets around North London in the run up to the shoot and wandered if I was ok I can assure you all was well. I was rehearsing and having a great time doing it too. 

Now that 'Action!' was about to be called I needed to transfer what I had found into my performance in front of a room full of mostly strangers. 

No pressure. 

The only slight hiccup of the day was getting into the venue itself which was captured here on video and makes for a great comedy moment. 

In hindsight. 

There were numerous details that needed to be attended to before the day including advertising for choosing and communications with the extras. Advertising for, choosing and meeting a MUA. I chose Amanda Thorell because I liked her work and she understood the importance of maintaining an online presence. 

We met to discuss the look of the shoot and on the day she met one of the extras, my friend Thomas and they both realised they came from the same small town in Sweden. 

I found the designer of The Red Dress, Gerda Truubon on Instagram and had met with her only days before to pick up the gown. 

Now that The Day was here all I needed to concentrate on delivering the best. Not letting myself down. 

As I wrote in the song, 'step up and be bold'. 

Become H.E.R. 

There was no need to worry at all. Jono and Georges has the cast and the production all under control in the most relaxed manner. 

The extras who all come and assisted me on the day for no charge other than copious amounts of junk food patiently waited for each set up. 

As for my part. I loved it.

I have said before that on the day I fell into the music and rode on the elements within it. 

I found a new pocket of confidence that I had never exposed before. Something inside that I have been nurturing for years not knowing if the day would ever come when she could start to emerge and yet still adding to the hope. All this, despite being taunted by the possibility that the dream could remain just that but maintaining a thread of belief even when whisper thin, that my heart and my joy was in music. 


Thank you to everybody who played a part in that day. 

Justine and Amy at The Cambria, London. 

Jono and Georges at King Cross Media.

Queen Nina The First. 

Christian Fontana. 

Gerda Truubon. 

Crown Jewels. 

And all the extras. 

Thomas Hagemann

Wilifried Tah

Victoria Pearson

Kristin Hallstrom

Charlotte Heatley

James Wright 


Denny Rutherford

You all helped to make my dream come true!


Love Yourselves! 


Thanks for reading. Please share. ;) 


Your Dreams Are More Than Yours


Attraction - Cut To Fit