Artist Empowerment

Being a solo performer there is a tendency, particularly in my personal case to isolate and try to conquer the world under your own steam. 

This scenario, rarely if ever works. 

Yes, time is needed to do the things that are not always group activity eg. Songwriting, practice and some administration activities but too much time spent without human contact can start to become detrimental.

Ideas grow when more than one mind is involved and there is immediate feedback on thoughts that can lead to either containing with it or quickly realising that something could benefit from change. 

The company that you surround yourself with need to be of like mind but not so in agreement with everything that there is no room to grow. They will also provide essential accountability.  

I cannot remember exactly how I found out about Jo-Ná Williams, an attourney from New York and her Artist Empowerment Group but I do know that it has made come into my life at the right time. 

Dreams and aspirations are great but their achievement rests only in the structure of a strategy for success. 

Sometimes you have to admit that you need help and in this group I believe I may have found it. 

At present we all communicate via a Facebook Group. This allows the group to be international. 

Slowly we are getting to know and champion each other. 

Led by Jo-Ná it is a space of positivity and possibility. I am glad I found it and excited to be part of it. 

The first month of 2015 has passed and I am noticing that many of my little requests are being answered. 

My desire is to grow exponentially this year in all facets of life and the right individuals and mentors are being introduced into my life pretty much as I need them. 

I am a student of Life and a student for Life eager to meet the new improved versions of me. 


Love Yourself!


Thanks for reading. 

Please share ;)


Can Art Be Awarded?


A Writ For A Hit